things to do in paris

Unique things to do in Paris

Paris is a city brimming with an abundance of offerings and endless activities to engage in. While iconic attractions like the Louvre, the mesmerizing Eiffel

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turning 30

On Turning 30

Turning 30 is weird. Society puts so much pressure on us to have certain things figured out by this age, like we’re supposed to have

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Consciously Living

Indulge in The Art of Self Care  & living consciously

However, living consciously means acknowledging the importance of self-care and understanding that our own health and happiness are essential for a balanced life. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of self care, and share some practical tips to help you prioritize your well-being.

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How to Create a Simple Morning Ritual

How we start our morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. If we start with a simple morning ritual that eases us into the day, we can start our day feeling relaxed and at peace. Spending the first moments of the day for ourselves is not only a great way to practice living consciously but also it’s essential for our overall wellbeing.

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cafes in florence

The Best Cafes in Florence

In a country that runs on espresso, you better bet there’s an abundance of cafes in Florence. From third-wave coffee shops to river-side cafes to

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What is Conscious Travel?

Conscious travel gaining popularity. As people become more aware of how their actions impact the world around them, the more they are zeroing in on

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What is Conscious Style?

Why conscious style rather than sustainable style? Over the past decade the sustainable fashion movement has come into the spotlight. While it started out as

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What is Slow Fashion?

Slow Fashion— What Is It? When we talk about conscious style, slow fashion is one expression that comes up time and time again. With all

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What is Slow Living?

Our lives have been speeding up. Hustle culture has become the norm, and busyness has become synonymous with importance and personal value. This has led

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The Best Luxury Hotels on The Amalfi Coast

While the summer season packs it in with tourists the best hotels on the Amalfi Coast make you feel like you have the coast to yourself with boutique luxury and amenities like private swimming platforms built into the cliffs.

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The Local Guide to Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya Local Guide Overview: Nairobi Overview Ethnic Groups/Languages Traditional/Contemporary Culture Do’s and Don’ts Local Foods Insider Tips Favorite Places Where to Stay Kenya is

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Top 13 Zero Waste Stores

Recently I was doing a neighborhood cleanup and I was shocked by the amount of plastic waste that was mindlessly littered. Since then it’s been

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25 Tips for Solo Female Traveling

Solo female traveling can be an odyssey of self-discovery, empowerment, and exhilarating freedom. Traveling alone can seem daunting, but it’s a uniquely rewarding experience that

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